Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Play Stimulates Brain Development

Studies show that play relates to development:  Child’s play helps build a better brain

So now you know that the early years of brain development are crucial.  What are the best ways to give your child the best opportunity to learn and develop?  It just might be as simple a solution as PLAY!  An NPR article states, time in the classroom might be less important than time on the playground.  The article goes on to say that play can actually alter the physical dimensions of the brain.  Play changes the connections of neurons at the front of the brain.  This part of the brain plays an important role in areas of regulating emotions, problem solving and decision making.  So play prepares the brain for life, love and even schoolwork.  Play also helps children be more adept socially. They learn to take turns and play fair.  And (icing on the cake), skills learned with play ultimately lead to better grades in the classroom.  More studies show that lessons through play obtained in early year’s impact an individual as an adult. Researchers found that one of the best predictors of academic performance in the eighth grade was based on the social behaviors demonstrated in the third grade.  Therefore, it is critical for brain development to occur early in a child’s life.  Researcher Sergio Pellis at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada says, “Countries where they actually have more recess tend to have higher academic performance than countries where recess is less.” has over 800 products that have been selected to improve children’s brain development.  The goal is to provide information and products that will help parents give their children the opportunities to enhance brain development.  Each product has been determined to stimulate a certain area of the brain and includes a product description with information on what specific abilities are targeted.   

For more information, contact:  SmartGamesAndToys or call at 1-877-506-1746 or email at


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