Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Teach your children how to be emotionally intelligent

Learning to express emotions in a healthy manner is a crucial part of child development

Emotional intelligence is not mentioned in schools as much as math or science but it is important for child development.  SmartGamesAndToys is pleased to announce the Feelings Friend that can help children learn to handle emotions in a healthy manner.


Emotional development is not just a trait that a person has naturally.  Often it is developed with practice and instruction. 

For example, it is said that girls are more in touch with their emotions and feelings than boys.  This is probably likely because girls are more often encouraged to express their emotions.  So with a little encouragement you can help your children begin to understand things they feel and express them in a healthy fashion.  Here are some ways to help your child express emotions.

-Brainstorm feeling words like mad, sad, happy, afraid, excited, surprised.

-Take the Feelings Friend and have your child place the corresponding facial expression with each emotion being discussed.

-Next ask your child how they might respond to the Feelings Friend after each different emotion. 

This teaches your child how to be empathetic to other people’s feelings.  So for example when the Feelings Friend has a sad face on you might encourage your child to ask the friend why they are sad.  Ask your child how they feel when sad and how they would want to be treated.  These are great lessons for handling emotions in a healthy way and also to respond well to other people’s emotions.    


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