Thursday, September 10, 2015

Benefits of Water Play

All summer long the local community pool has been full of splishing, splashing, cannon ball jumps and diving.  There is more going on here than horseplay.  There is cognitive learning happening, experimentation and motor skill development.   

That is why SmartGamesAndToys believes in the benefits of water play.   

Water is the life giving basic raw element that we depend on for sustenance but that we can also learn much from.  It provides fun and enjoyment and also purposeful learning.  There is no right way or wrong way to play in the water; we are free to use our imagination with no constraints.  Once you know some of the benefits of water play you will see it as the valuable learning tool it can be.  Think of all the hand-eye coordination happening with pouring water from a cup-o-fun or squeezing water from a jungle squirtee or stirring water with a water whirly.  Think of all the lessons learned when a child sees a big object like floating blocks float on top of the water while a smaller object such as a penny will sink.  What happens to the molecules in water when it is hot versus cold?  Meaningful concepts can make more sense and have a bigger impact when we can feel them, see them and experience them.   

Water gives us the opportunity to have this hands on experience.  And water has the effect of relaxing us.  When we float in water or sit in a warm bath our tensions are released and troubles melt away.  And speaking of melt, what a great lesson water can provide with water versus ice!  When does snow melt to water?  What happens to water when it becomes ice?  Below are some great lessons you can explore with your child through the experience of water play.

1.) Where does water come from?
2.)  Force water through a small opening and then force through a large opening.  This is a great lesson in more surface area=less force.
3.)  Build a structure to show water running downhill.
4.)  Show hot water versus cold water and explain molecules move faster in hot water.
5.)  Float objects versus sinking objects.

What are some fun ways you play with water?  Let us know and comment on our blog!  We look forward to hearing from you. 


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