Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Babies Are Like Scientists While At Play

What are babies really doing when they play?  It may be more than what you think.

Research suggests when children and babies are at play they are actually exploring with a sophisticated intelligence gathering and decision-making process.




There are things going through a baby's mind while they are at play.  They are trying to figure out what others are thinking and feeling.  This is a difficult thing to do even for adults. 

Alison Gopnik is a child development psychologist and she discovered through her research that babies are able to discern what others are thinking and feeling.  You can watch her fascinating presentation babies.

Her research went on to find that there was a difference between what a 15 month old baby could discern from an 18 month old baby.  The information suggests that the 18 month old baby had learned this deep profound fact about human nature that a 15 month old baby had not yet learned. 

Children learn more and know more than we ever would have thought!  Find out why and how babies learn so much on our site SmartGamesAndToys and discover what your child ages 0-3 and ages 3-5 are up to.


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