Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Source of Creativity is Within!

How do we get closer to the source of CREATIVITY?

Maybe eradicating the fear of being wrong could help.



Fear shuts down creativity.  Sometimes this fear shows up in unexpected ways.  For example a parent who is concerned about their child getting a high paying job may discourage the arts and music for fear that they will not make it on creativity alone. 

Of course this is just one example but Sir Ken Robinson (educator and speaker) speaks more on how these good intentions yet filled with fear can be killing creativity.  Fear is something we are taught.  Kids don’t have fear naturally.  Ken Robinson relates a story he heard about a child who is drawing a picture and the teacher comes over and asks what she is drawing.  The little girl replies that she is drawing a picture of God.  The teacher responds by saying, “But nobody knows what God looks like.”  The little girl says, “They will in a minute.” 

The point of the story being that kids don’t have the fear of being wrong rather it is something that is taught to them.  Kids will take a chance; they will take a go at it.  We must be prepared to be wrong in order to be able to come up with anything original.  Sir Ken Robinson says we are educating people out of their capacities.  Mistakes are being stigmatized.  Picasso once said that all children are born artists but the problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.  The challenge is to not get educated out of being creative.

Robinson defines creativity as the process of putting imagination to work; applied imagination.  Seeing the world through other people’s eyes; empathizing with the way someone else sees the world takes imagination.  And so through our imaginations we can create. 

A poem by Kikakou comes to mind…

A blind child
guided by his mother,
admires the cherry blossoms.

This seems to state that if we look at things from other people’s perspectives; through our imagination, we can see more and be more creative.    

Sir Ken Robinson is passionate about creativity and education.  Watch his speech on the Ted Talk stage at  For more ways to encourage creativity to flourish check out SmartGamesAndToys site and the create section for arts and crafts as well as imagination play.


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